It’s not your product or services that makes you stand out from the competition, it’s YOU!
You set yourself apart from the competition by the questions that you ask , the ideas that you bring and how well you communicate them.
If people want data, send them an email. If they ask to meet you, you must bring that data to life in a more interesting way than the competition or indeed the email!
You stand out from the competition by being more prepared
You stand out from the competition by being more engaging
You stand out from the competition by asking better, insightful questions
You stand out from the competition by having strong values and beliefs
You stand out from the competition by providing more perceived value
You stand out from the competition by being a better communicator
You stand out from the competition by how you present creative ideas
The truth is that most products, companies and salespeople are perceived as the same.
If you really want to make a difference and stand out from the competition, it’s the questions that you ask that your opponent does not. It’s the ideas that you bring to the ‘table’ that will ‘Wow’ customers.
Unless your prospect perceives that there is a difference between you and your competitor there is no difference! That perception is predominately based on your performance and attitude.
In truth the differentiator is YOU.